On this page, you have access to the teaching portfolio reflecting my experience at UTEP during my probationary period as an assistant professor, as well as supporting documents, such as course students’ evaluations, material, letters from peers and students. Feel free to request any other information or document you might find necessary.
Follow the link to go back to the main page with links to all parts of my tenure application.
Main file:
- Martine’s Teaching portfolio
Supporting documents: (work in progress)
- Course information and evaluations
- Students’ evaluations of my teaching: until fall 2010, spring 2011
- Grade distribution for all courses taught
- Teaching improvement efforts
- Mid-term surveys:
- Original “by-hand” survey: for CS2402 in 2005
- Survey using surveymonkey.com for cs5303 for spring 2011, and the results
- Evidence from my website:
- Archives of teaching activities (2003 to 2007): http://www.cs.utep.edu/mceberio/teaching (follow the teaching and/or archives list)
- Recent teaching activities (2010-2011) with interaction from students:(for both: see all assignments and guidance given, as well as the blog at the bottom of the page)
- CS5350: http://www.martineceberio.fr/teaching/CS5350 (fall 2010)
- CS5303: http://www.martineceberio.fr/teaching/CS5303 (spring 2011).
- Documents used in class:
- Students’ daily form
- Syllabus to sign
- Lecture plan uploaded on website during semester as an update to initial plan for CS5350 during fall 201
- Survey to determine the need for CS summer classes in 2008
- Mid-term surveys:
- Curriculum development
- Syllabi
- CS 2402: fall 2005
- CS5303: fall 2006, spring 2011
- Change in the lecture plan of CS1401: syllabus with objects taught early, syllabus with objects taught late (change proposed in collaboration with Mary Kay Roy)
- Examples of labs developed for CS2402 (zipped files): fall 2005, fall 2007, fall 2008.
- Examples of assignments:
- List of projects for CS5350 during fall 2010
- Tutorial assignment for CS5303 during spring 2011 showing the different parts assigned to groups and to individual students
- Self-studyCQI assessment of the fundamental courses in CS at UTEP: read pages 28 to 64 for the part I prepared about my CS2402 course during fall 2008 (CS3 — Data Structures), including outcomes assessment.
- Examples of exams:
- CS2402: final exam, mid-term exam
- CS5350: final exam
- CS5303: final exam
- Syllabi
- Letters from peers who have observed classes or reviewed course materials
- Dr Francois Modave (associate professor at Texas Tech University Health Center; at UTEP at the time of our co-teaching experience), with whom I co-taught Artificial Intelligence in Spring 2004;
- Mary Kay Roy (lecturer at UTEP in computer science), who was teaching CS1401 at the same time as I was: we had weekly meetings with our teaching assistants and lengthy discussions about the curriculum of this course. She was able to review extensively material that I prepared for this course.
- Dr. Maria Alvarez (professor at El Paso Community College) is in charge of the summer research projects program in which I am involved as faculty advisor and in which I have held seminars.
- Letters from research students
- Carlos Acosta, former Master’s student (graduated in 2007)
- Shubhra Datta, current Master’s student (expected graduation date: Fall 2011)
- Mario Bencomo, former Master’s student (now PhD student at Rice University)
- Christian Del Hoyo, current Master’s student (expected graduation date: Spring 2012)
- Luis Carlos Gutierrez, current undergraduate student (expected graduation date: Spring 2013)