This class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday, from noon to 1:20pm in room 308.
The content of classes is (tentatively) expected to be as follows:
- week #1: Presentation of syllabus. Introduction to algorithm analysis.
- week #2: Algorithm analysis
- week #3: Algorithm analysis
- week #4: Stacks
- week #5: Queues / Discrete Event Simulation / MT1
- week #6: Discrete Event Simulation / Hash tables
- week #7: Hash tables / Trees: general trees, traversals / Binary trees
- week #8: Trees: binary trees, binary search trees, algorithms, classical problems and algorithms
- week #9: Balanced trees: AVL, heaps
- week #10: Trees: cont’d / MT2
- week #11: Review of sorting algorithms: analysis, purpose, problems -> mostly about heap sort
- week #12: Graphs: definition, use
- week #13: Graphs: classical problems and algorithms / MT3
- week #14: Advanced topics
- week #15: General reviews
- week #16: week of the final exam